natalie green

CEO & Cofounder Doconomy

What is the first thing that comes to mind when you hear “coronavirus”?

It makes me think of neuroscience and how interesting it is to see how fear can impact how the mind acts

What is the first thing that comes to mind when you hear "climate change"?

I think of the progress the world has made the past years in terms on awareness and that it's time to convert that awareness into real action

What's the most important lesson we can learn from the coronavirus pandemic about fighting climate change?

We are only a few weeks into our "new lifestyle" and we are already getting reports about how the lockdown curbs pollution in china, that the Venice's canal water is the clearest they have been in 60 years, that dolphins have been spotted in Italian waterways, Co2 emissions are down and yeah I could go on but I guess it's pretty obvious that this way of living is beneficiary for the planet. I think we have learned that we CAN change things and we can do it fast if we want to. I'm hoping more people are really motivated to be the change and start doing.

Did your idea/s on how to fight the climate crisis change in any way because of the coronavirus?

As of now, we can actually prove how fast we can make a difference, Im hoping this will make it easier to comprehend why we need to change and that it can be done. We have already done it.

Do you think the coronavirus will have a positive or negative impact on the fight against climate change?

When it is over it will most likely have a negative impact but that is short term. A recession means less investments for green technology and the innovation that is absolutely necessary for us to cope with climate change. Long term I think it is a positive thing, we have learned there are many alternatives to how we do things today. Firstly it is a tragedy that Corona will take many lives but it also gives us hope because we CAN tackle our climate crisis.