What happens when you combine gamification, employee engagement, and fight reduction to fight climate change?


Flight Zero provides an opportunity for companies and employees to engage in climate change action in a meaningful way. It is based on three principles:

  1. Using business travel as a starting point for a conversation and action on climate change: Inspired by Stanford behavior scientist BJ Fogg’s behavior change model we want to use the issue of flying as a prompt to engage with employees around individual and collective climate actions that we hope will contribute to a systemic change.

  2. Connecting lifestyle changes with collective action to move the needle on climate: While need governments & companies to act decisively to match the scale of the threat presented by climate change, personal lifestyle changes are also important as they can increase awareness to the issues at stake and encourage people to engage in collective action. With this theory of change in mind, Flight Zero invites participants to explore both lifestyle changes and collective engagements. Combining these two elements will provide participants with a more holistic view of the fight against climate change and their role in it.

  3. A gamified platform, combining meaningful challenges with a fun learning experience: Flight Zero is designed as a board game, where participants compete with one another on completing different individual and collective challenges. After being introduced to the topic of climate change participating employees calculate the carbon footprint of their business flights and commit to reducing it. They are asked then to choose two climate action challenges - one lifestyle challenge and one collective challenge from a menu of options. The first one to complete the two challenges is declared the winner and receives a prize!

Read the story about our first MVP:

Click on the picture to read the story!

Our theory of change!


How does it work?


Testimonials of participants in the first pilot of Flight Zero:

I think its brilliant! I really enjoyed - I kind of wish I could do it again and do it better. It’s a clever way to think about sustainability and making it fun it’s making it engaging.


I think the model, I particularly really liked. I like the gamification, I realized that really changed my behavior, it gave me a sense of urgency. We are all talking but when doing there are very few people that go through.

By making a challenge and making it personal. The adaptation to individuals really helps. Opens up a whole dialog to other things I can do.


For more information on Flight Zero please contact us!